Students can enroll at Sciences Po Rennes in different ways. In addition to starting in first year by passing the general entrance exam, they can join in the second or fourth year, or via a special program (first- or second-year Master’s programs, executive education, or validation of experience (VAE) schemes) subject to selection criteria.

From first to fourth year
The first-year entrance exam is organized jointly by the Sciences Po schools in Aix-en-Provence, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Strasbourg, Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Toulouse. Candidates submit a single application for admission to any of the seven Sciences Po schools in the network. A total of 1,140 spots were offered in 2022.
Provided they meet admissions requirements, students in grande école preparatory programs at partner high schools who are selected by their school can begin their studies directly in second year in one of the following three options :
- in Rennes,
- in Caen
- the double French-German degree program
How to apply
- January 16 to March 3, 2023: internal selection at partner high schools
- March 13 to April 6, 2023: enrollment of selected candidates on the platform
- Results available: Wednesday June 7, 2023 at 9 a.m.
- Application fees: €50 for scholarship students and €180 for other students
Note : Application fees cover the administrative costs of the exam and are not refundable under any circumstances. They are due independently of whether the student sits the exam or not. Payment conditions are specified during the registration process on the platform.
Admission test
The one-hour admission test consists of a written essay on a subject of general knowledge and an interview with the selection committee. This takes place in person at Sciences Po Rennes on May 31 and June 1, 2023. The test and interview can also be held remotely in cooperation with a partner institute when an in-person test is impossible or prohibited for legislative or regulatory reasons.
Students who have completed (or are in the process of completing) one full year of post-secondary studies or more (60 ECTS credits) by the start of the new school year (September 2023) can apply to begin directly in second year at the Sciences Po Caen campus.
The admission exam is held over an entire day and consists of three written tests scored out of 20 :
- Contemporary issues : Length: Three hours (Coefficient: 3), essay (choice of one of two subjects).
- History : Length: Two hours (Coefficient 3), essay, one subject.
Program: Power relations and political models from the 1930s to the present. Political, social and cultural history of France from the 1930s to the present. - Second language exam : Length: One hour (Coefficient 1.5) Choice of English, German, Spanish or Italian.
This two-part exam consists of comprehension questions and an essay. The language must be selected at the time of registration. No changes are accepted after the student registers.
Candidates who do not complete their exam in the correct language will be given a score of 0/20.
Candidates who do not complete all three tests will be disqualified.
All three exams are held on the same day for all candidates, on June 9, 2023 at Sciences Po Rennes (Rennes campus). Registration is open from April 17 to June 2, 2023 via the platform only.
Admitted students must complete all of their studies at the Caen campus.
Application fees: €50 for scholarship students and €180 for other students
Application fees are not refundable under any circumstances. They are due independently of whether the student sits the exam or not.
The fourth-year entrance exam to enroll in the Sciences Po Rennes Master’s level degree program can be taken by :
- university students who have earned (or are in the process of earning) a Bachelor’s level (‘licence’) degree or other three-year diploma (180 ECTS credits or more)
- students who have earned a minimum three-year, post-secondary degree or diploma outside of the European Union
Candidates must submit a specific and detailed request to one of the four schools at Sciences Po Rennes.
Selection process
The admissions process includes an applications phase, an examination or ‘eligibility’ phase, and a selection phase.
Candidates must indicate their school of choice among the four offered at Sciences Po Rennes. Up to two requests can be submitted for the Master’s one and two (M1-M2) level, with no order of preference (see list below).
Applications are reviewed by the selection committee on the basis of academic excellence and the humanist culture, international outlook, professional experience and social commitments of the candidate.
Pre-selected applications are then reviewed by the head of the candidate’s preferred program.
Admission test
Successful candidates are interviewed by a selection committee. This is an individual interview during which the committee assesses the student's degree of motivation, career project and critical thinking skills, as well as their ability to develop [a personal], well-argued line of reasoning.Interviews will be held from June 19 to 21, 2023.
Interview length: 25 minutes plus five minutes conducted in English.
Note: Once a candidate’s choice of Master’s program has been approved by the selection committee during the admissions phase, it cannot be modified.
Registration is open from March 22 to April 18, 2023 exclusively on the platform.
- Proof of identity
- A resume (8 x 11” format, one-side only)
- High school transcript
- Transcripts for every year of post-secondary study
- Proof of scholarship for 2022-2023 if applicable for the current year.
- If applicable: proof of level of English (TOEFL, IELTS, First Certificate in English, etc.) or another foreign language.
- A duly completed questionnaire with the application, checked by the candidate.
Application fees :€50 for scholarship students and €180 for other students.
Application fees cover the administrative costs of the exam and are not refundable under any circumstances. They are due independently of whether the student sits the exam or not. Payment conditions are specified during the registration process on the platform.
Proof of scholarship must be sent by email (and not with the application) to the following address: @email
- Registration : March 22 to April 18, 2023 (business days)
- Eligibility results : Tuesday June 6, 2023 (2 p.m.)
- Interviews : June 19 to 21, 2023
- Admissions results : June 23, 2023
Provided they meet admissions requirements, the following students can start in the fourth-year of a program at the Rennes or Caen campus :
- those in their second year, or repeating their second year of a grande école preparatory program at a partner establishment (list of establishments), who have earned or are in the process of earning 120 ECTS credits or more, and who qualify for direct admission by sitting one of the following Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) entrance exams:
- (A/L) Literature
- (B/L) Literature, social sciences and mathematics
- (D1) Law, economics and management for ENS Rennes
- (D2) Economics for Paris Saclay
Only students who successfully pass the written component of an ENS exam in 2021 can apply.
Online registration from May 30 to June 7, 2023 on the platform.
Application fees: €50 for scholarship students and €180 for other students.
Application fees cover the administrative costs of the exam and are not refundable under any circumstances. They are due independently of whether the student sits the exam or not. Payment conditions are specified during the registration process on the platform.
Admission test
Candidates attend a 30-minute interview. Five minutes of the interview is conducted in English with a selection committee.
Date and location : June 19 to 21, 2023.
Results : June 23, 2023
Since 2013, Sciences Po Rennes has offered high-level athletes a personalized program of study to allow them to achieve their goals in their sport while pursuing their studies.
Sciences Po Rennes is certified as a ‘high-level sports establishment’ by the education authorities and the regional board for youth, sports and social cohesion in Brittany.
Candidates can apply as high-level athletes if they are registered as such on the list of the French ministry of sports.
High-level athlete candidates can study at Sciences Po Rennes after obtaining a French high school diploma with the highest honors (in 2023) and after a successful interview. Internal selection takes place in June 2023. Candidates must submit their final-year high school transcript, a resume, a personal statement and official proof of their inclusion on the ministry’s list.
These documents should be sent by post to the following mail address: Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Rennes, 104 BOULEVARD DE LA DUCHESSE ANNE, CS 50801, 35708 RENNES CEDEX.
Students who are high-level athletes qualify for a tailored program of study and timetables to accommodate both their athletic endeavors and academic pursuits.