An innovative double program of study
This program, the first of its kind in France, is designed to train high-level executives qualified to work in either engineering or governance. Thanks to skills in two different disciplines, students are prepared for the technical, political, economic and social aspects of the roles they will occupy.
How does it work? Students attend classes every day at both INSA Rennes and Sciences Po Rennes, which are connected by the underground metro system. Students are selected for the first year of the program based on an application submitted with a special request on Parcoursup, the French post-secondary pre-enrollment platform.
INSA Rennes courses (morning) with the choice between:
- Program A : mathematics, information technology, mechanics, industrial sciences (replaced with energetics in second year)
- Program B :mathematics, information technology, physics and chemistry
Sciences Po Rennes courses (afternoon) : law, economics, history, political science
The program includes the study of two modern languages.
Students in the INSA-Science Po double degree program represent around 20% of the first-year student population.
Students select a tailored program at one of the schools at Sciences Po Rennes: public policy, cities and urban environments, international affairs, solidarity and social responsibility.
They choose a major at INSA Rennes:
- Program A studentschoose between Mechanical and automatic engineering or Software engineering
- Program B students choose from Software engineering, Material sciences and engineering, Communications systems and networks, or Electronics and industrial information technology.
International experience is also important: students spend a minimum of six months abroad.