In 2019, Sciences Po Rennes created a special unit, the purpose of which is to listen, assist individuals in establishing facts and/or preparing a case, and to direct them to the appropriate service(s). The unit also plays a role in providing information and raising awareness among target audiences.

The [monitoring] and counselling unit offers confidential and objective assistance in handling situations of discrimination, harassment, violence, hazing, relationship conflicts or addictive disorders experienced or witnessed by members of the Sciences Po Rennes community.
The [monitoring] and counselling unit is coordinated by Adeline Thobie and Marta Iglesias-Casal, the school’s gender equality and anti-discrimination officers.
Along with students, faculty members and administrative and technical staff can also contact the [monitoring] and counselling unit about incidents that occur at work.
Under Article 40, as civil servants, staff at the counselling unit are obliged to report to the public prosecutor any offences brought to their attention. When a person confides in the unit, the unit notifies the public prosecutor’s office and accompanies you in all subsequent administrative, medical and legal proceedings.
There is no obligation to reveal details, however. If you prefer not to reveal the facts of what happened in order not to launch legal proceedings, the unit can provide practical support (with timetable modifications, for example) and refer you to a psychologist, lawyer or an association.
Gender equality officers
How to react ?
This informational guide, designed for students and the entire faculty and administrative personnel of our establishments, has been crafted by the nine regional branches of Sciences Po, with the endorsement of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Our objective? To enhance understanding of our protective, advisory, and supportive mechanisms, ensuring that each individual can pursue their studies and work in the most optimal circumstances.

How do I get in touch with the Counselling Unit ?
- Victims and witnesses of offences can email the Unit at: @email
- An appointment is scheduled with two members of the Unit
- Individuals receive attentive support and assistance and are referred to the relevant services