Sciences Po Rennes coordinates several outreach initiatives.

Support for people seeking asylum
For several years, Sciences Po Rennes students and faculty have welcomed and provided social and employment search support to people who are refugees in France. Initially called Wintergreat and later EachOne, the program is now operated by the student association Possibilis.
The new seven-month program consists of French courses and a week of career guidance. Once participants achieve sufficient proficiency in French, they can follow courses at Sciences Po Rennes alongside other students.
The new program makes it a priority to help refugees integrate by coordinating with student and other associations and the establishment of a sponsors group.
The blood drive
Every year, Sciences Po Rennes teams up with the Etablissement Français du Sang to host two on-campus blood drives. The drive is co-organized with the student association Solidareizh (Instagram account: @solidareizh.scpr